Mikes Fav Pocket links collection: October 2019


The Inside Story of Wawa, the Beloved $10 Billion Convenience Store Chain Taking Over the East Coast: 55 years old. $10 billion in revenue. This family-owned business is rapidly expanding—and ditching gas and cigarettes for kale salads and nerdy coffee. In February 2018, a few days after the Philadelphia Eagles had won their first Super Bowl, a suburban convenience store celebrated. Hard. – by Maria Aspan – Tags: bookmarks, niche “the-inside-story-of-wawa”

How Poor Americans Get Exploited by Their Landlords: American landlords derive more profit from renters in low-income neighborhoods, researchers Matthew Desmond and Nathan Wilmers find. – by Richard Florida – Tags: bookmarks, economics, house, politics – how-poor-americans-get-exploited-by-their-landlords

The Hedgehog Review: Mary Midgley’s writing was profound but rarely technical; she trained her sights on general problems. How America’s corporations lost their public purpose. – Tags: bookmarks, finance, personal – https://hedgehogreview.com/

Falling: There are a lot of people like me, exiles from the middle class who suddenly find themselves on Grub Street. The rich are all alike, to revise Tolstoy’s famous words, but the poor are poor in their own particular ways. – by William McPherson – Tags: bookmarks – https://getpocket.com/explore/item/falling

Yotelpad introduces small-living concept in posh Utah resort town: Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. Similar to opinions on the value of Zillow advertising or ibuyer brokerage models, the market’s response to tiny homes depends on who you ask. – by Craig C. Rowe – Tags: bookmarks, real estate – https://www.inman.com/2018/03/07/yotelpad-introduces-small-living-concept-in-posh-utah-resort-town/

Download Everest Google Places Review: Everest Google Place Review is the best premium WordPress place/business review plugin for displaying the Google reviews. The plugin allows you to display up to 5 business reviews. – Tags: bookmarks, google, hackernews, reviews, wordpress – https://wpall.club/wp-plugins/premium-wordpress-plugins/everest-google-places-review/

Awards and Decorations Branch – Cold War Recognition Certificate Applications: To apply for a certificate you must have been a U.S. government employee during the period of the Cold War. See the FAQ for full details. Follow these instructions to submit your application. You may email your application to the Awards and Decorations Branch. – Tags: bookmarks, politics, texas, vets – https://www.hrc.army.mil/TAGD/Awards%20and%20Decorations%20Branch%20-%20Cold%20War%20Recognition%20Certificate%20Applications

The skills kids need to avoid getting fooled by fake news: Welcome to Small Humans, an ongoing series at Mashable that looks at how to take care of – and deal with – the kids in your life. Because Dr. Spock is nice and all, but it’s 2018 and we have the entire internet to contend with. – by Diane Shipley – Tags: bookmarks, education, learning, pkm – https://mashable.com/article/kids-fake-news-media-literacy/

First Evidence That Online Dating Is Changing the Nature of Society: Not so long ago, nobody met a partner online. Then, in the 1990s, came the first dating websites. Match.com went live in 1995. A new wave of dating websites, such as OKCupid, emerged in the early 2000s. And the 2012 arrival of Tinder changed dating even further. – by Emerging Technology From the arXiv – https://www.technologyreview.com/s/609091/first-evidence-that-online-dating-is-changing-the-nature-of-society/

SSD.EFF.ORG: We’re the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an independent non-profit working to protect online privacy for nearly thirty years. This is Surveillance Self-Defense : our expert guide to protecting you and your friends from online spying. Read the BASICS to find out how online surveillance works. – Tags: bookmarks, privacy, security, tech – https://ssd.eff.org/en

Climate change is happening. Here’s how we adapt: Imagine the hottest day you’ve ever experienced. Now imagine it’s six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate researcher Alice Bows-Larkin, that’s the type of future in store for us if we don’t significantly cut our greenhouse gas emissions now. She suggests that it’s time we do things differently—a whole system change, in fact—and seriously consider trading economic growth for climate stability. – Tags: bookmarks, climate change, environment – we_re_too_late_to_prevent_climate_change

Affiliates rely on the Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin: Amazon Affiliate for WordPress Increase the value of your affiliate page and your earned commissions! Live Demo Get Started Up-to-date informations Affiliate links will be generated, products, prices and discounts refreshed automatically. – Tags: amazon, aws, bookmarks, business, wordpress – https://getaawp.com/

The Attention Games: On Wednesday afternoon, in the ramp-up to the midterm election, the president of the United States posted a video to his Twitter feed: a political attack ad focused on Luis Bracamontes, the “illegal immigrant,” as the ad calls him, who was convicted of murdering two deputies in Sacramento, Calif – by Megan Garber – https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/11/donald-trump-and-ethics-attention/574741/

What the 2018 Campaign Looks Like in Your Hometown: With a few days to go until the midterm elections, campaigns across the country are making their last push to sway voters on Tuesday. But the dominant themes of election ads that voters have seen on television look very different depending on where you live. – by Demetrios Pogkas, David Ingold – https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-what-the-midterm-campaign-looks-like-in-your-hometown/

Research: When Getting Fired Is Good for Your Career: Most leaders are, deep down, afraid of failure. But our 10-year CEO Genome study of over 2,600 leaders showed almost half (45%) suffered at least one major career blow-up — like getting fired, messing up a major deal, or blowing an acquisition. – by Elena Lytkina Botelho, BJ Wright, Kim Rosenkoetter Powell – https://hbr.org/2018/10/research-when-getting-fired-is-good-for-your-career

Google has a .new time-saving trick for starting docs, slides, sheets, and forms: Here’s a feature that’s sure to delight avid users of Google Drive. The search giant announced last week a new time-saving trick that lets you open a blank document, presentation, spreadsheet, or form simply by typing .new as the domain name in the URL bar. – by Simone Stolzoff – https://qz.com/work/1441913/a-new-trick-for-starting-google-docs-slides-sheets-and-forms/

Google’s smart city dream is turning into a privacy nightmare: Sidewalk Labs, an Alphabet division focused on smart cities, is caught in a battle over information privacy. – by Nick Summers – Tags: bookmarks, city, community – https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/26/sidewalk-labs-ann-cavoukian-smart-city/

The battle to curb our appetite for concrete: We extract billions of tonnes of sand and gravel each year to make concrete for the building industry, and this is having an increasing environmental impact as beaches and river beds are stripped, warn campaigners. – by Tim Bowler – Tags: bookmarks, climate change, environment, real estate – https://www.bbc.com/news/business-45893549

The Library of Congress Lets You Stream Hundreds of Free Films: Cinephiles, rejoice. The Library of Congress has unveiled its new National Screening Room, a free collection of digitized historical films, commercials, newsreels and other clips. – by Sara Aridi – https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/23/movies/library-of-congress-national-screening-room.html

An Instagram Content Plan for Service-Based Businesses: Does your business offer services? Looking for ways to make Instagram work for you? – by Stevie Dillon – https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/instagram-content-plan-service-based-businesses/

Online Broken Link Checker: Finding and fixing link problems has finally been made easy! This free online Checker / Validator not just tells you which of your hyperlinks are dead but it will also show to your where exactly those stale references locate in your HTML code! Such a unique feature makes our checking service stand o – Tags: bookmarks, web scraping, wordpress – http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/

wordpress multisite plesk – Tags: bookmarks, multisite, wordpress – https://www.google.com/search

Timeline JS: Frequently asked questions How do I edit my timeline? Once you’ve created a timeline, you can make changes by going back to your Google spreadsheet. Changes you make to the spreadsheet are automatically available to your Timeline—you don’t need to repeat the ‘publish to the web’ step (step #2). – Tags: bookmarks, timeline – https://timeline.knightlab.com/

Broken Link Checker: This plugin will monitor your blog looking for broken links and let you know if any are found. Once installed, the plugin will begin parsing your posts, bookmarks (AKA blogroll) and other content and looking for links. – by Vladimir Prelovac – https://wordpress.org/plugins/broken-link-checker/

How to Create an SEO-Boosting XML Sitemap in 20 Seconds: When it comes to SEO and marketing, I like quick and easy wins. Even though I’m committed to the long journey of blogging (10+ years and counting), I’d much rather push a few buttons and pull a few levers to get more traffic. – https://neilpatel.com/blog/xml-sitemap/

30 Days Timelapse at Sea | 4K | Through Thunderstorms, Torrential Rain & Busy Traffic: Follow my adventures on Instagram! http://instagram.com/Jeffrey.hk30 Days of Timelapse, about 80,000 photos combined. 1500GB of Project files. Sailing in the open ocean is a unique feeling and experience.I hope to capture and share it for everyone to see. Route was from Red Sea — Gulf of Aden — In – by JeffHK – Tags: 10 min, bookmarks, science, travel, video, youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch

FotoSketcher – The best photo to art freeware program: 20 effectsOver 20 different styles are available from pencil sketches to watercolor or oil paintings, pen & ink drawings and cartoons. Turn photos to paintings (landscapes, architecture, portraits, etc.) automatically! Help me develop FotoSketcherFotoSketcher is 100% free, even for commercial use. – Tags: bookmarks, tech, windows, windows 10 – http://fotosketcher.com/

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